Stanisław Kawulok 2024


My first blog post

This is my first post on the Blog if you want to see all of them go here. I have no experience with writing, and english is not my native language, so sorry in advance for all indecipherable posts here. Anyway what will be posted here? No idea, Whenever I find something interesting to share I will. It may differ from some coding stuff, to my opinions about movies or series.

Perhaps I should introduce myself. I'm a highschool student (as of march 2024) at Akademickie Liceum Ogólnokształcące Politechniki Wrocławskiej (Alo Pwr). And I take extended classes of math, physics and IT. In my free time I like to code, play board games, listen to good music, and read. Over the years I managed to become laureate of Zdolny Ślązak, and finalist of OMJ (Junior math olympics).

That seems to be it, till next post .